Why do some doctors tell patients that hair graft procedures of large numbers, say over 1500 grafts, are risky?
I remember, ten years ago, when some of us started performing procedures of 1000 grafts – called megasessions back then. Today, procedures of 2000, 3000, even more grafts can be safely (and are routinely) performed.
However, to properly perform these procedures, the surgeon needs to have a sufficiently large enough team of assistants capable of cutting these grafts and efficiently working with the surgeon to then place them. Having a team of 15 full-time assistants, some of whom have been with me 10 or more years, means that a 2400 grafts procedure, say, takes us 5 or so hours – well within the safe time zone that assures proper hair growth.
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS