What are Growth Factors?
Growth Factors Plasma is an injectable treatment that has recently been used to treat hair loss, as well as being used in conjunction with a hair transplant procedure. For almost eight months, Dr. Epstein has been using growth factors in conjunction with a hair transplant in a few different ways, including injecting the growth factors into the donor site incision before suturing and furthermore injecting it with small injections throughout the scalp to help aid in the healing, recovery and hopefully the yield of the transplanted follicles. Growth factors plasma is a procedure in which we remove or draw a bit of the patient’s own blood, place the blood into a centrifuge and spin the blood to manually remove the plasma from the blood, which is rich in platelets and growth factors that naturally occur in the patient’s blood, essentially all the “good stuff” that rushes to any site of infection or injury, that we manually isolate and then inject into the scalp, particularly in areas where it is needed.
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS