I will set up a consultation with when you will be in Tampa, but am now sending you my photos for evaluation. Please review them and send me your opinions. I am 27 years old and I would like to add grafts to my front hairline since it has been receding. I just want to look like people who are my age with hair. I think 2200-2500 grafts may be enough, but of course your opinion is highly appreciated. Being Asian, what are the special considerations?
I have read many forums and see your results and trust that you will do an amazing job, and tend to give patient extra grafts. I just choose 2500 graft because I see that other doctors use that much to achieve the look I was hoping to get, but I guess with your technique and expertise, less grafts will look like more. Thank you for your time.
I would go a bit more conservatively, given your young age and risk for further hair loss in the future- plus we want the hairline to look good not just when you are 25 but also in 20 and more years from now. My suggestion- 1800 to 2100 grafts, the exact number depending upon exactly how low your hairline is placed and the degree of thinning you have higher up that needs to be addressed with this procedure. I have extensive experience working with Asian hair- and efforts must be taken to assure that the results are truly aesthetic and natural appearing- such as the use of many single hair follicular unit grafts along the hairline angled at just the right direction.
I also would recommend, if you are not already on it, taking Propecia.
Your procedure can be set up for Miami, or one of the other Foundation for Hair Restoration locations – with you needing to stay there just one night. We use absorbable sutures so there is no need for you to return to the office for suture removal. Typically if a procedure is performed Friday, you would still have some crusts on the scalp for 6 to 7 days.
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS