I had a hair transplant years ago and had folliculitis soon after


I had a hair transplant years ago and had folliculitis soon after.  I am planning on having my second hair transplant soon and wondering if I am more likely to have folliculitis again since I had it the first time.  Also, is there anything that I can do to prevent it from happening this time around?


I cannot speak for how the original hair transplant was done. However, I would say that anyone who has had problems with folliculitis may be slightly more likely to have problems again if a hair transplant should be done.  With the way our follicles are placed into the graft sites and with the quality and the great experience of technicians that we have in our office, the chance of folliculitis is certainly less. If your scalp is clean and healthy and if you have good technicians working on your hair, it should be rather easy to minimize the possibility of folliculitis from the hair transplant.

Posted by Richard Galitz, MD, FACS