I am a woman and was wondering if it would be possible to wear my hair up in a ponytail after a facelift? If the incision goes in front or behind the ear, it would seem that wearing the hair off the face would allow the scar to be visible. Is this true?
Yes, it is true in certain circumstances. In our office, however, we do a tragal edge incision in the anterior part of the face and the post-auricular incision goes into the hair not down the neck in the posterior part. For that reason, when the patient heals, the scars are extremely hard to see even if the hair is pulled back in a ponytail. In my opinion, the best facelift uses these kinds of incisions because they hide the incision excellently and they do not require the patient to wear their hair in such a manner as to cover up the incisions. They also let the surgeon get an excellent result with regard to the facelift itself. Specific to your question, you can get a facelift and have the incisions placed very well so that you can then go back to wearing your hair in a ponytail as before.
Posted by Dr. Galitz