How do you make sure to take future hair loss into account if a hair transplant is performed when you are not yet sure that your hair loss is finished?
It has to be assumed that every patient will continue to have some hair loss even if the patient is 55 years or older or taking Propecia or other hair loss medications. This is a fundamental principal in a hair transplant patient so an experienced hair transplant surgeon will plan for future hair loss when designing a hair restoration. In general, patients under the age of 24 or 25 should think seriously before having a transplant procedure and, for that matter, even a patient in his 30s and 40s should make sure to account for future hair loss and be sure that they will be content with the results as explained to the patient by the doctor. In general, patients who will lose more hair will sometimes want a second procedure to help provide further density.
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS