If I do the procedure I would like Dr. Epstein to do it. I have some questions. I have gone to two doctors in Houston. No one with the credentials of Dr. Epstein and two other doctors. What kind of hair restoration does Dr. Epstein prefer? I was told that FUE is not as good as the grafting method. I know that with the FUE the scar is concealed better when lowering the hairline but if the doctor is a good doctor the scar won’t be visible with the taditional method. Is that true?
I also have read about another doctor’s approach. Megasession + dense pack. Equal greatest amunt of hair and gretest possible coverage. Is that true? And can u do that?
Yes, I personally perform all procedures. I typically perform 2 of these hairline advancement procedures every week- from patients the majority who fly in from out of town.
For most patients, depending upon the amount of lowering desired, 1700 to as many as 2300 or so grafts are indicated. This number is necessary in order to achieve adequate density and a natural appearance- otherwise you’ll just need a second procedure to achieve the sort of results with which you’ll be satisfied. Because I use such small recipient sites- 0.5 to 0.7 mm in most cases- I am able to achieve the closest placement of grafts for the best density.
For these cases, I see no reason to use FUE- instead, the fine line scar from the strip (FUM or FUG) procedure is essentially undetectable unless you were to shave your head, and the number of grafts I can obtain is simply great and these grafts tend to have a higher density.
I encourage you to visit, if you have not already, the page on my website devoted to this procedure:
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS