I wanted to inquire about a hairline advancement on a female. I have a high and wide forehead and would like it ‘reduced’. I have viewed the impressive results of the women’s gallery but I assume these are the best case scenario results. What would be the worst case scaenario? Also, what is the incidence of healthy hair dropping out due to trauma of the procedure?
Those are good questions. The hairline advancement procedure is one in which many of the doctors at the Foundation for Hair Restoration specialize- in fact, I am performing one on a woman from Wyoming today. Depending upon the amount of lowering desired, anywhere from 700 to as many as 2500 grafts get placed in a single procedure, with the goal being to restore a natural appearing hairline and fill in the areas of thinning. The cost depends upon the number of grafts. When performed properly, no one should be able to detect you had the procedure, and there should be minimal to no damage to the already existing hairs in the areas of thinning. Typically I have 90% plus of my transplanted hairs grow. In the unlikely and very unusual case where there is more limited growth, I would perform a small touch up procedure to take care of this.
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS