Follow the Foundation Doctors’ Experiences at the annual meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery in Amsterdam
Greetings from Amsterdam, where it is currently midnite and rainy. Just got back from a delicious dinner with colleagues- Glenn (Charles), Arthur (Tzychinski- who knows how that Brazilian guy spells his name anyway?), Matt from Dr. Shapiro’s office, Dr. Eric from NY, and lastly Aaron. I am quite tired after a long red-eye flight that got me into Amsterdam around 10 am this morning. Putting the final touches on one of my lectures tomorrow for the ISHRS meeting- this one is on predictors of success in hair transplants for women- a topic quite relevant, given my particular interest in this area. The Power Point slides I presented are quite nice- pink backgrounds with white and maroon characters- very appropriate for a lecture on women, and definitely intended to get people’s attention. The other topic on which I am speaking tomorrow is as part of a panel discussing different treatments for scalp scarring. In particular, I am going to discuss the role of tissue expansion with the presentation of a particular favorite case of mine- 9 year old Addison of Missouri.
Quite a cozy city, and I am quite excited for the first (of 4) days of meetings.
Dr. E