Does Dr. Epstein use the Neograft machine?
The Neograft machine is nothing other than a mechanized way to harvest FUE grafts. It has been heavily marketed by the manufacturer, but to date has not been embraced by very many of the top hair docs- in fact, I don’t know of a single one of my top 20 colleagues that use it.
The FUE procedure is one that I perform on average 4 times a week, and overall I am happy with the results it can produce- however, I don’t recommend it for women, as it has a lower percentage of growth, whether done by the Neograft or another technique. Personally, I and my specially trained team of FUE assistants are able to harvest the grafts with the least trauma and therefore can achieve the highest possible rate of regrowth.
Posted by Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS