I am attaching two photos of myself, showing my forehead. I am interested in having the forehead reduction procedure because (as you can see from the pictures) my forehead is disproportionate from the rest of my face. I hope to reduce the sharp angles at the temples and lower the front hairline.
I am 33 years old. I have had 2 hair transplant procedures at the hairline (~3,000 grafts) to lower the hairline. I am about 10 months into my second hair transplant. I do not want to add anymore grafts to the hairline as I want to save them for future transplants at the crown if needed. So the hair at my hairline is all transplanted hair.
With the forehead reduction procedure, I want to achieve a more proportionate facial appearance when I have my hair combed up or parted — And just not want my forehead to be the first thing people see when they meet me. And in all my pictures my forehead is always what sticks out the most!
I hope you can help me achieve this goal.
If possible please respond with an estimate as to how much this procedure would cost me. And dates for the procedure.
Thank you for your time. Much appreciated,
Because your frontal hairline is all grafts that will not fall out in the future due to male pattern hair loss, you are an appropriate male candidate for this procedure.
The key thing as to how much advancement you could expect is: how much laxity you have in the scalp/forehead region, and how much if any lifting of your brows you desire.
To assess laxity, place your index finger right along the central aspect of your hairline (widow’s peak area), then see how much excursion you can get out of it sliding the hairline up and down- excursion being the amount of movement in each direction.
Let me know what is the result.
The fee for the procedure, which is usually performed under local anesthesia and some oral sedation, can be provided to you by Jon from my office.
Posted by Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS